Ken Wakui's latest manga, Negai no Astro, is gaining momentum thanks to its intriguing plot. The story follows Hibaru Yotsurugi and his adoptive brother Terasu on their mission to reunite all their scattered siblings.
In the latest chapter, the brothers successfully convince Kuran, the tenth adopted son, to join their cause and give up his responsibilities in Ikebukuro, marking an important step forward in their journey.
The story focuses on family bonds and the challenges the Yotsurugi brothers face as they try to bring everyone together.
Kuran's decision to join Hibaru and Terasu added depth to the plot, highlighting the growing solidarity between the two brothers.
In the 7th chapter of Negai no Astro, the story continues from where it left off, focusing on Kuran as he begins to remember his true identity, with help from his brother Kou.
Kuran recalls that he gained his transformation powers because of his desire to smile again. He confides in Hibaru about the immense pressure he felt after taking on the role of Botan and his desire to change.
Hibaru reassures Kuran, telling him that he can leave his burden behind and join him. This moment emphasizes the supportive relationship between the brothers and Kuran's decision to follow a new path alongside his brothers.
Despite wanting to join Hibaru's group, Kuran is still worried about the Asura Club and the Sanmenroppi of the Ikebukuro faction.
Hibaru and Terasu reassure him that he doesn't need to worry about them. Terasu ponders how difficult it must have been for Kou, who was always seen as Botan's younger brother rather than his own person, which might have made Kou wish for the power to destroy everything.
When Kou wakes up, he tells Kuran to leave Ikebukuro to him, though it's clear he doesn't really mean it. Kou assures Hibaru that he will protect and guide Ikebukuro, and asks Hibaru and Terasu to take care of Kuran.
As they left, Kou urged Kuran to come back with a smile. Kuran transforms into his younger self and this is the only way he can show emotions. He promised to return with a genuine smile.
Hibaru then reveals his plans to form a new faction called the Hibaru Faction.
Recent chapters of the manga have highlighted the conflicts between Hibaru, Terasu, Kuran, and Kou. In the end, Kuran chose to join Hibaru and Terasu, and the three formed their own faction.
The upcoming chapter is expected to focus on their efforts to recruit another sibling or turn their attention to their first adoptive brother, Shio, and his strategies to fight back. Hibaru's plan.
Release date and where to watch
Negai no Astro Chapter 8 is expected to be released on Monday, June 10, 2024, at 12:00 am JST.
- Pacific Time (PT): Sunday, June 9, 2024, 11:00 a.m.
- Canada Time (Eastern Time, ET): Sunday, June 9, 2024, 11:00 a.m.
- Australian Eastern Time (AET): Monday, June 10, 2024, 1:00 am
- Greenwich Mean Time (GMT): Sunday, June 9, 2024, 3:00 p.m.
- Japan Standard Time (JST): Monday, June 10, 2024, 12:00 a.m.
International readers can access the digital chapter through Shueisha's Manga Plus website, MANGA Plus app, Shonen Jump+ app and VIZ Media's official website.
On these platforms, only the first three chapters and the latest three chapters are available for free, except for the Shonen Jump+ app which requires a subscription.