‘Mashle: Magic and Muscles’ is an anime series based on the manga by Hajime Kōmoto, announced in July 2022 and produced by A-1 Pictures. Directed by Tomoya Tanaka, it aired from April 8 to July 1, 2023. Set in a magical world where social status is determined by magical powers, the main character, Mash Burnedead, lacking magical abilities. To have a peaceful life, he must achieve the noble title of Divine Visionary despite having no magic. The series follows Mash’s journey at Easton Magic Academy, determined to prove that physical strength can overcome magic. The second season of’Mashle: Magic and Muscles’ is coming soon and this is why we decided to tell you when and where to watch it.
‘Mashle: Magic and Muscles’ Episode 1 Part 2 Release Date
The first episode of’Mashle: Magic and Muscles’season 2 will be released on Saturday, January 6, 2024 The anime is expected to air every Saturday night but the title is unknown as of yet of the first episode. As we said, Episode 1 will air on January 56, 2024, according to the following timelines (worldwide):
Pacific Time (PT) – TBA Central Time (CT) – TBA Eastern Time (ET) – TBA United Kingdom (GMT) –TBA Central Europe (CET) – TBA
How many episodes will ‘Mashle: Magic and Muscles’Season 2 have so far?
As of now, the exact number of episodes of the second season of’Mashle: Magic and Muscles’ is unknown, but we can expect the anime to have 12 episodes based on the first season. We will update this information as soon as more information becomes available. In this section, we’ll give you an overview of the entire second season so you can follow the episodes more easily.
‘Mashle: Magic and Muscles’Season 2 Episode 1 –’TBA’January 6, 2024’Mashle: Magic and Muscles’Season 2 Episode 2 –’TBA’TBA’Mashle: Magic and Muscles’Part 2 Episode 3 –’TBA’TBA’Mashle: Magic and Muscles’Season 2 Episode 4 –’TBA’TBA’Mashle: Magic and Muscles’Season 2 Episode 5 –’TBA’TBA’Mashle: Magic and Muscles’Season 2 Episode 6 –’TBA’TBA’Mashle: Magic and Muscles’Season 2 Episode 7 –’TBA’TBA’Mashle: Magic and Muscles’Season 2 Episode 8 –’TBA’TBA’Mashle: Magic and Muscles’Season 2 Episode 9 –’ TBA’TBA’Mashle: Magic and Muscles’Season 2 Episode 10 –’TBA’TBA’Mashle: Magic and Muscles’Season 2 Episode 12 –’TBA’TBA’Mashle: Magic and Muscles’Season 2 Episode 13 –’TBA’ TBA
Where to watch’Mashle: Magic and Muscles’?
The only place you can watch’Mashle: Magic and Muscles’ on a regular basis is Crunchyroll. Crunchyroll regularly offers this series via simulcast, but you’ll have to watch it in Japanese, with English subtitles; The dub will be released at a later date as usual.
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