The anime series Apothecary Diaries (Kusuriya no Hitorigoto) has released a short video and preview image of the 15th episode. The episode is titled “Raw Fish” and will air on January 20. The plot is summarized as follows:
Maomao was curious about the pipe she picked up during the commotion at the warehouse. At that time, Gaoshun consulted her about a case and said, “There was a government official who fell into a coma after eating Fugu,” but it seemed that the fish was not used in the dish. Maomao goes to the official’s house with a young military officer named Basen to find out the truth. On the kitchen counter there was seaweed, said to be the favorite food of the fallen official, Maomao secretly brought the food home.
Below are preview images of the 15th episode of the series. The episode takes place around volume 5 of the manga adaptation of The Apothecary Diaries.
Apothecary Diary is a light novel series written by Hyuga Hyuga, illustrated by Toko Shino and published by Shunfunotomo. It’s an ongoing manga adaptation by Itsuki Nanao and illustrated by Nekokurage and published by Square Enix and serialized in their monthly magazine GanGan.
TOHO Animation and OML are responsible for the animation of both The Apothecary Diaries anime series and its short anime series. The anime short series, Maomao’s Diaires, features the main character, Maomao, as she explains the main items shown in the week’s current episode. Maomao’s Diary is streaming on TOHO Animation’s official YouTube Channel and currently has 14 short episodes.
Crunchyroll is streaming the anime and describes the plot as follows: Maomao lives a peaceful life with her apothecary father. Until one day, she was sold as a lowly servant to the emperor’s palace. But she has no intention of living a life of royal compliance. So when the royal heirs fell ill, she decided to step in and find a cure! This catches the eye of Jinshi, a handsome palace official, who promotes her. Now, she’s making a name for herself solving medical mysteries!
Source: Official website© Naruto Hyuga/Imagika Foss/Production Committee of “The Apothecary Diaries”