Dekin no Mogura, the supernatural comedy manga series by Tsumi Eguchi, has announced that they will have an anime adaptation that will air in July 2025. An image teaser and trailer have been released. released, in which Yuichi Nakamura was revealed as the voice of the film's main character Mogura. Hiroshi Ishiodori is directing the anime at Brain's Base.
Anime Dekin no Mogura – Teaser Trailer
The Dekin no Mogura website describes the anime's plot:
“I cannot die because I have been banned from the afterlife.” Certain circumstances led Mogura, a suspicious self-proclaimed hermit, to collect the “light” of souls in a lantern in hopes of being allowed to pass it on. It is said that those who encounter him will begin to see strange things…“
Shinzo Fujita is in charge of series composition, Yoko Tanabe is designing the characters, and Tomoki Hasegawa is in charge of composing the music.
Anime Dekin no Mogura – Teaser Visual
Dekin no Mogura (The Banned Mole) is a manga by Tsumi Eguchi, who also wrote Hozuki's Coolheadness. It has been serialized by Kodansha's Morning magazine since April 2021 and currently has a total of seven volumes. Dekin no Mogura is about Mogura, a mysterious wanderer who calls himself a hermit. One day, he found himself unable to leave the mortal realm.
Source: Official website
©Natsumi Eguchi, Kodansha/Prohibited Mole Production Committee