Popular manga series NANA has released a new figure collection in collaboration with POP MART’s SKULPANDA brand, with two models inspired by main characters Nana Osaki and Nana Komatsu. Both retail for $179.99 and ship worldwide. Readers can refer to the data below:
POP MART designed the NANA models, both of which are 24.5 cm/9.65 inches tall and made of ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene), PC (Polycarbonate) and PVC (Polyvinyl chloride). POP MART’s SKULLPANDA x NANA collaboration joins their other anime character collections, including Case Closed, Naruto, etc. NANA has previously worked with wedding dress designer KURAUDIA’s Lulu Felice brand on some dresses and other famous series by author Ai Yazawa, Neighborhood Story.
NANA was first published in Shueisha’s Cookie magazine in May 2000, before going on hiatus in 2009. This popular series is one of the best-selling manga ever, with more than 50 million copies in circulation and Madhouse’s anime adaptation was well received. Manga VIZ licensed the manga, describing Volume 1: Nana Komatsu is a young woman suffering from a series of boyfriend problems. Moving to Tokyo, she hopes to take control of her life and leave all those troublesome accidents behind. She’s looking for love and hopes to find it in the big city. On the contrary, Nana Osaki is calm, confident and focused. She swaggers into town and proceeds to kick open the door to Tokyo’s underground punk scene. She has a dream and won’t give up until she becomes Japan’s No. 1 rock’n’roll superstar. This is a story about two 20 year old women with the same name. Even though they came from completely different backgrounds, they somehow met and became close friends. Nana’s world is one bursting with sex, music, fashion, gossip and all-night parties.
Source: Press release© POP MART & SKULPANDA © Yazawa Manga Seisakusho/SHUEISHA