“Cat Quest” is an action role-playing game developed by The Gentlebros and published by PQube. The game has a puzzle style, light action with an interesting and attractive setting for players who love the action role-playing genre.
Highlights of “Cat Quest” include:
1. Lovely graphics: The game has an open world with simple and funny graphics, in which the main characters are cats.
2. Flexible combat system: “Cat Quest” uses a real-time combat system, allowing players to dodge, attack and use magic during matches.
3. Humorous story: The game brings a light and humorous story, mixing action elements and role-playing elements.
4. Diverse missions: Players can participate in many main missions and side missions, from rescuing missing cats to defeating ferocious monsters.
5. Progression and upgrade: Characters can progress through levels and collect new equipment to enhance their fighting abilities.
Cat Quest is currently being released for free on the Epic Game Store. Those who are interested can download and play now.