Renowned manga publisher Kodansha, which has overseen the release of classic and modern hits such as Akira, Sailor Moon, Attack on Titan, and many more, will soon host its first pop-up event in New York City, promising to bring exciting attractions to fans this fall.
According to a press release, Kodansha will launch a new pop-up store: “Kodansha House: Where Manga Meets” on October 4, 2024, in SoHo, New York City. The pop-up store will be located at 45 Grand Street, open Wednesday through Sunday from 12pm to 9pm and will run throughout the month. Activities and attractions will include meet-and-greets with major creators, a cafe, lounge, exhibitions, and more.
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The full lineup of attractions is available on the Kodansha website. Notably, the event will host popular manga authors for Q&As and book signings, including Shuzo Oshimi (Flowers of Evil), Makoto Yukimura (Vinland Saga), Tsubasa Yamaguchi (Blue Period), and Kamome Shirahama (Which Hat Atelier). Oshimi was recently part of Kodansha's new deal with American manga publisher DSTLRY, which will see the authors produce different covers for their works, while Yukimura and Yamaguchi have both had successful anime and live-action adaptations in recent years. Shirahama's Witch Hat Atelier, meanwhile, is one of the most anticipated anime adaptations of 2025, with the manga recently winning the Harvey and Eisner Awards.
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Other attractions include workshops, date nights, trivia nights and screenings for films like Ghost in the Shell, Blame! and Akira, with one of the pop-up's standout attractions being the Akira Bike Slide photo booth. The photo booth, which is in conjunction with the Titan's Fury — Attack on Titan Photobooth, takes fans into a giant miniature village where they can become Titans, “acting out scenes as they reach through walls and grab miniature figures made of candy or chocolate.” BLUE LOCK THE MOVIE – EPISODE NAGI- will also be screened at Kodansha House, after grossing $14.1 million worldwide at the box office. Blue Lock Season 2 recently got a re-release date and new visuals, which can be seen below.
Source: Press release