Production IG’s upcoming Kinnikuman anime series has revealed a teaser trailer, with the first details about the cast and character images of who they will be voicing. The anime will premiere sometime in 2024. Kinnikuman will be voiced by Mamoru Miyano while both Mayumi Kinniku and Prince Kamehame will be played by Akira Kamiya. Check out the Kinnikuman trailer, new key art, and character images below.
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You can check out the new key visual below:
Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc – Key Visual
Check out the character image:
KinnikumanPrince KamehameMayumi Kinniku
The anime adaptation of the Perfect Origin arc of Yudetamago’s Kinnikuman revival manga began serialization in 2011. Overall, the Kinnikuman series ranks among the best-selling manga series of all time, with over 77 million copies. Kinnikuman screenwriter Takashi Shimada expressed excitement at the new announcements about X, including the casting of Mamoru Miyano. The author is currently recovering from knee surgery.
The Kinnikuman website describes the plot of the upcoming anime as follows:
Three groups of heroes – justice superheroes, evil superheroes and perfect superheroes – each upholding their own righteousness, will unravel their stories in the new three-way war! Against this backdrop, the origins of these warriors from the ‘superhero’ species will be revealed, along with the intense human tragedies of their respective organizations, attack and defense techniques. new hero, as well as an unchanged play about friendship…!
Everyone has a reason to fight in their heart!
Source: Official Kinnikuman Website
Featured image: Kinnikuman © 2023 Yudetamago/Shueisha, Kinnikuman Production Committee