(Last updated on: September 4, 2023)
Aniplex’s YouTube channel recently started streaming a gripping behind-the-scenes video for “JUNK WORLD,” Takahide Hori’s highly-anticipated sequel to his 2021 stop-motion animation masterpiece, “JUNK HEAD .”
The video offers a fascinating look at the meticulous craftsmanship behind the film, delving into the complex process of crafting the models, sets, robots and sound effects. It also sheds light on the complex art of capturing each frame of animation, revealing that it took a staggering two hours to capture just six seconds of cinematic magic.
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Expected by fans around the world, “JUNK WORLD” is expected to make its grand debut on the silver screen in 2025. To ensure the success of the project After the success of the project, Hori initiated a crowdfunding campaign, to secure additional resources and talented staff to improve the efficiency and quality of the film.
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The initial campaign raised an impressive 13,663,200 yen (about US$94,000), while the ongoing second campaign has raised 2,808,000 yen (about US$19,206) at press time this report. Notably, there is no fixed deadline for the new campaign, meaning the project will continue to grow, mining the accumulated funds, regardless of the final total.
Notably, Hori took on a multi-faceted role in the film’s creation, taking on responsibilities that included directing, writing the script, designing the characters, editing, composing the music, writing the script, modeling and even lending her voice to the characters.
Anime Limited originally released the original “JUNK HEAD” film, a fantasy story that unfolds in a future where humanity’s pursuit of longevity has come at the expense of its fertility. In response, an artificial species was designed to supplement the dwindling workforce, but it eventually revolted and established its own underground society. The story takes a fascinating turn when a lone human is sent into the depths below to uncover the mysterious secrets of this new species’ reproductive method, revealing macabre and monstrous revelations. .
The story of “JUNK HEAD” includes a new theatrical premiere in March 2021, its North American premiere at the 25th Fantasia International Film Festival in Montreal in August 2021. The film’s distinction was recognized when it won the prestigious Cigogne d’or award for animation at the Strasbourg European Great Film Festival 2021, cementing its status as a breakthrough cinematic achievement. break.
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Notably, the original cut of the film first appeared on screens in 2017, marking the beginning of this mesmerizing and immersive cinematic journey.
Source | YouTube channel channel
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