The Jujutsu Kaisen manga is currently witnessing the final battle between Yuji and Sukuna. The young wizard is determined to save his friend Megumi Fushiguro at all costs. He also has a way to finish off Sukuna after the villain is severely weakened after a long battle.
Starting from Gojo vs Sukuna, the villain has been continuously fighting Kashimo, Yuji, Higuruma, Maki, Choso, Ino, Kusakabe and Yuta. Everyone has fulfilled their roles and now it's Yuji's turn to deliver the finishing blow.
However, despite everything, Sukuna still had no intention of backing down. The battle continued until the editor's comment at the end of chapter 266 confirmed that the battle would end next week.
Sukuna's battle with Yuji in the Shinjuku Showdown arc will end in Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 267 on August 25, 2024. However, this is only the release date of the final battle in the Shinjuku Showdown arc, not the manga's release date.
Fans reacted to this news: “Honestly, the last few chapters haven't been very interesting. These fights aren't on par with when Gojo fought Sukuna.”
“The excitement level is at its peak! Yuji's redemption arc? Sukuna's final battle? Too many possibilities, my heart can't take it! But the real question is: will Gojo make a surprise appearance to create chaos?”, another fan added.
In May 2024, Jujutsu Kaisen announced that this would be the manga's final arc or saga. And to celebrate the end of the battle, a new project will be announced.
However, fans are not too optimistic about this, as My Hero Academia previously hyped up a new project but then it turned into a global popularity poll.
Weekly Shonen Jump celebrated the finale of the Shinjuku Showdown arc, with a statement confirming: “Akutami Gege's Jujutsu Kaisen will appear on the cover of Weekly Shonen Jump issue 39/2024, released on August 26 to promote the current 'Inhuman Makyo Shinjuku Showdown!' Climax. Details of the 4th Character Popularity Poll will also be revealed.”
Although expected, the manga will not end abruptly after the battle. There is currently no confirmation on the release date of the manga's final volume.