A new two-part anime compilation film in the Inazuma Eleven series titled Inazuma Eleven The Movie 2025 has been announced to premiere in Japan on December 27, 2024. The double feature will include the films Eiga Inazuma Eleven Soshūhen: Densetsu no Beginning and Gekijoban Inazuma Eleven: Aratanaru Eiyu-tachi no Josho.
Two new key visuals for the film were also posted on the Inazuma Eleven Twitter account, as well as a promotional trailer.
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The first half of the compilation film Inazuma Eleven: Football Frontier-Hen, while the second half is the prologue for the latest game in the series Inazuma Eleven: Victory Road. MAPPA is handling the production of both the game's animation and the anime opening. OLM is credited with animation production for the first compilation film.
Akihiro Hino (Megaton Musashi, Yo-Kai Watch) is directing and writing the scripts for both anime films. The game's voice cast will also reprise their roles in the opening cinematic.
The Inazuma Eleven game franchise has inspired multiple television anime adaptations, starting with the first three-season Inazuma Eleven series in 2008, the three-part Inazuma Eleven GO in 2011, Inazuma Eleven Ares, and the sequel Inazuma Eleven: Orion no Kokuin in 2018.
It has also inspired four anime films, the short film series Inazuma Eleven: Outer Code, and the Ares spin-off, Inazuma Eleven: Reloaded.
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The Inazuma Eleven game series is developed by Level-5, with the first game of the same name released in Japan in 2008. It was then followed by Inazuma Eleven 2 in 2009 and Inazuma Eleven 3 in 2010. It also inspired several sequels in the Inazuma Eleven GO series and numerous spin-offs.
The latest game, Inazuma Eleven: Victory Road, will launch worldwide in 2024 on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, iOS, Android, and PC.
Source: Inazuma Eleven Official Twitter, Anime News Network, Inazuma Eleven Movie Official Website
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