The movie Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero introduced Dragon Ball fans to a new villain named Cell Max. This guy is truly an aggressive battle tank.
Cell Max is so brutal that Gohan must unleash his hidden potential to defeat him. It can be said that at the present time, Beast is Gohan’s final power state. Even Orange Piccolo, with all his power, could not do this.
How strong is Cell Max?
Cell Max is the ultimate monster. Even though he’s not at 100% power, this guy is still stronger than most of the villains we’ve seen in the series so far. Cell Max faced several Z fighters at once, but overwhelmed them all.
However, at some points, Cell Max seemed stronger than Orange Piccolo, but then suddenly was defeated by characters like Krillin and Android 18, leaving viewers confused. It’s unthinkable to see the man who almost finished off Piccolo having poor results against significantly weaker characters.
Despite these contradictions, Cell Max still leaves quite a mark on readers. There are many people who think that he is equal in strength to Jiren.
Is Perfect Cell Max’s power too much for Gohan Beast?
People are saying that if Cell Max appeared in perfect form, he could be as strong or stronger than Black Frieza. But for now, this is just fan talk, because until it officially appears in the series, it’s all just speculation.
People thought that Perfect Cell Max would be a big problem because he reminded them of Imperfect Cell, before he absorbed Android 18. Do you remember how Cell changed after that? Super Vegeta is much stronger than Imperfect Cell, but after becoming Perfect Cell, only Super Saiyan 2 Gohan can defeat him.
So if we apply this logic to Cell Max and he carries similar powers, then even Gohan Beast is no match for the villain.
It must be remembered that Cell Max is a new improved variant of Cell, created by Dr. Hedo, Dr. Gero’s nephew. Cell Max is much stronger than Cell even though he is an incomplete form due to errors in his mind control programming. This means that Cell Max is an uncontrollable beast compared to the previous Smart Cell.
So, what Cell Max lacks is the mental control for the Red Ribbon Army to command him. So in reality, Cell Max couldn’t have gotten any stronger in the battle where Gohan Beast finished him off.
But let’s say Cell Max could get stronger and stronger, what would it be like? The Z Warriors will have to join forces to stop him. But there is no certainty they can do that.
In short, if Perfect Cell Max existed, he would definitely be on par with Black Frieza, or even stronger. Some people believe that even the normal combination of Goku and Vegeta is not enough to defeat him. Perhaps the two Saiyan warriors must merge into their ultimate form to create the most powerful warrior in the multiverse that can overwhelm Cell Max.