The Dragon Ball Super The manga is easily one of the most controversial installments of the series, but a recent event has done a lot to justify its existence. Toei recently launched an official fan poll where people could vote Goku's Best Fights in the manga, and with the official results now in, the “Goku's Best Fight Poll” officially proves that Dragon Ball Super has more than succeeded in standing on its own as a story..
Dragon Ball Super has been quite controversial since day one, and manga is especially controversial among all of its franchises. The difference between anime and manga is one thing, but when it started telling original stories, it was no longer in a position where fans could justify ignoring it, and that sparked deeper discussions about the artwork, the writing, and whether it even needed to exist.
However, recent polls show that many fans view Dragon Ball Super positively, and consider some of its best moments to be worthy of being ranked among the series' most iconic. Of course, that doesn't erase all the problems people had with it, but it's still great to see for fans of the story.
Goku's Three Best Fights in Dragon Ball Come From Dragon Ball Super
Goku's Top-Ranked Fights in Dragon Ball Super Prove the Sequel's Worth
The “Goku's Best Bout Poll” gave people the chance to vote for Goku's best fights in the Dragon Ball manga, and the top 10 included no less than three fights from Dragon Ball Super: Goku vs. Jiren at #10, Goku vs. Gohan at #6, and Goku vs. Moro at #4. All of those fights ranked almost as high or even higher than iconic fights like Goku vs. Majin Vegeta, Goku vs. Cell, and Goku vs. Frieza, The “Goku's Best Bout Poll” is solid proof that People consider Dragon Ball Super a worthy installment in the series not just an unnecessary way to make money.
As for why each of those particular fights ranked so highly, it's easy to understand. The most voted Goku fights from Dragon Ball Super all came out great through The combination of emotion and amazing fight choreographyGoku's fight with Moro was particularly effective because it tapped into Merus' emotional sacrifice. The fact that Goku and Jiren's fight was so well-regarded despite not being as flashy as the anime version further cemented that idea, and it's the clearest demonstration of why Dragon Ball Super has long since proven itself as a story.
What the Dragon Ball Super Manga Needs to Do to Improve Its Reputation
The battles in Dragon Ball Super are ranked so highly because they add so much to the story visually and textually instead of just rehashing the same old stuff like many other parts of the series are guilty of, all of which means Dragon Ball Super could succeed by focusing on the strengths of its art and writing instead of prioritizing action and nostalgia.. If Dragon Ball Super If the manga can do that, it will surely receive much more praise and hopefully erase its divisive reputation.
Source: Dragon Ball Official Website.