Jujutsu Kaisen is one of the most popular ongoing shounen series and has taken the world by storm. The series has become extremely popular since its anime adaptation. Currently, Jujutsu Kaisen is at the peak of its popularity. At the same time, the plot of the series is also at its climax.
However, it seems manga Jujutsu Kaisen is about to come to an end. At Jump Festa 2024, author Gege Akutami confirmed that the story will soon come to an end.
Gege Akutami’s message from last year
In 2023, fans already know that Jujutsu Kaisen is coming to an end. There isn’t much more to the story, especially now that the Deadly Death Hoi Du arc has begun and the events that follow feel like the manga is coming to an end. All the main characters participate in the story, and the main antagonists are also given prominent roles.
Also read: Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 246: Yuji’s cursed technique
Fans know that the overarching villains of Jujutsu Kaisen are none other than Kenjaku and Ryomen Sukuna and both are extremely active in this arc. In reality, Sukuna himself was revived in his original body in 2023, and at the same time, Kenjaku also began playing his final game.
On the Jump Festa 2023 stage, Gege confirmed that the story will end in 2023. Fortunately for fans, this appears to have been a miscalculation on the author’s part and the story continues in 2024.
But this time, at Jump Festa 2024, the author firmly said that he believes the story will not continue beyond 2024 and that this will be the last Jump Festa period of the series to date.
Gege confirms Jujutsu Kaisen is coming to an end
For Jump Festa 2024, a series like Jujutsu Kaisen will certainly have its own stage and of course, it has attracted the attention of all fans from all over the world. People want to hear what the story writer has to say about what to expect from the upcoming developments in the manga. Most important is about when the story will end.
As fans expected, the author addressed the topic and confirmed that Jujutsu Kaisen will end in 2024. Here is the author’s full message, from Jump Festival 2024:
“We are holding a Jujutsu Kaisen exhibition.
This will probably be the last Jujutsu Kaisen Jump Festa stage while the manga is still being published. The Jujutsu Kaisen manga is a digital manuscript so strictly speaking there is no actual genga to show for it.
We thought a lot about how to do it and decided to show all the rough drafts, residual drafts, and all the assistant work that’s usually hidden behind characters and dialogue. My goal is to make exhibition attendees think ‘I can also draw manga.’
We are currently testing the exhibition with large groups of people. Come on, adults!
Everyone please look forward to it!
– Akutami Gege.”
To the surprise of fans, the author opened by saying that this will be Jujutsu Kaisen’s final stage at Jump Festa and that means he does not believe the series will continue until December 2024. Although the exact end date for the story has not been provided, it will likely happen before December and that means the manga doesn’t have too many chapters left.
Also read: Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 246: Sukuna’s full power