Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End is a manga and anime series that is currently among the most popular anime series on air. Written by Kanehito Yamada and illustrated by Tsukasa Abe, Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End is a truly adorable fantasy series with great characters and in this article, we will discuss a villain side appeared recently in anime. The character in question is a demon named Lügner, who appears in the realm of Graf Granat, seemingly a messenger of peace but turns out to be a villain with a dastardly plan. In this article we will discuss Lügner and tell you about his role in the series.
Article details: Lügner is a secondary antagonist in the manga and anime Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End. He is a blond-haired, aristocratic-looking demon who appears as a peace envoy of Aura the Guillotine, whose forces fought Graf Granat’s forces to the north. . He has a calm personality and initially presents himself as someone who simply wants peace between demons and humans, but knowing the nature of demons, Frieren does not trust him, but she ends up in prison. for trying to attack him. Although he acted like a peace-loving man, he turned out to be a deceitful villain and Frieren was right about him and his intentions.
Except for Qual, a survivor from the past, Lügner is the first true demon that Frieren’s group encounters in the present.
So when Frieren, Fern, and Stark continued their journey, they arrived in a town ruled by Graf Granat. At first, it all seemed like just another typical stop for them, but then, suddenly, Frieren summoned his staff and prepared for battle right in the middle of the road. No one knows why, but soon a group of three demons appeared; they are talking to Graf Granat, and their leader is a blond-haired, aristocratic-looking demon, soon introduced as Lügner (btw, in German, the word “Lügner” means “liar ”, so you can infer a lot about him from that alone).
Therefore, Lügner has a very noble attitude. He was dressed beautifully, had blonde hair, pale skin, and a pair of horns, like a humanoid demon should have. He seems aware of his surroundings yet remains calm (even when Granat threatens to kill him with a sword) and unexcited, even in the face of danger. He talks happily, which he uses to manipulate those around him, but it turns out he’s actually quite deceitful, a liar and wants to stab Graf Granat in the back.
Like all demons, he simply imitates human speech to deceive them, but he does not truly understand the true meaning of his words. Having said all this, let’s see his real plan in the series and what happened to him.
Why did Lügner come to Graf Granat? Did he cheat on him?
Now that we’ve introduced Lügner, we can tell you about his role in the story. Continuing our introduction, Lügner asked Graf Granat if he had instructed Frieren to attack and kill him, but while the nobleman said that he hated Lügner and wanted to see him dead, he has nothing to do with Frieren. The Goblins were then imprisoned, while Lügner was free to leave.
Frieren then explains that Lügner is a villain. When Stark tries to tell her that it might not be that bad, since Lügner seems civilized, Frieren explains that demons can’t actually talk like humans, they just imitate human speech. people because for them, it is a way to deceive people.
So all demons are liars, and as Frieren said, Lügner is also simply a monster who lied throughout the story, but his ultimate goal was to trick Granat; he can speak and use human words, but he doesn’t really understand them and only enjoys using them because he knows that they will affect humans. That’s why Frieren is sure that Lügner is a liar.
And she was right. When left behind with his two associates, Lügner confirms that Frieren is the only one who accurately explains him and his role in the village and that she is their only threat. As he revealed, his goal is to soften Graf Granat enough for him to lower the village’s defenses, which will eventually allow Aura the Guillotine’s demonic army to raid and destroy it completely. This ultimately proved that he was a blatant liar and that his only goal was to trick Graf Granat.
He even mentions his “father” to appease Granat, claiming that he also killed his father and does not want to see more bloodshed. When Linie asked what a “father” was, he said he didn’t know but that it was a “magic world” that demons could use to catch humans off guard, showing he was deceitful and cowardly. How low?
So will he succeed? We won’t spoil too much for you here, but we will tell you that Lügner’s plan won’t work out as he wants. Details will be revealed in the anime soon, so we won’t spoil it all for you here, but we can confirm that Lügner will not be alive after the story. What happens? Stay tuned to Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End to find out, or check out the manga for more information.
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