Fans of the popular anime series Frieren: Beyond Journey's End gathered to introduce a new spin-off series under Ayana Taketatsu's recent X (formerly Twitter) post – revolving around her character, Aura the Guillotine . Taketatsu quoted a response to Aura's image: “I wish I had the chance to play her again.”
Emotions from fans, such as “I want to see a story about Aura-sama's past!” and “Let's make a spin-off about Aura-chan's reincarnation‼️‼️” attracted a lot of comments. Others highlighted the recent poll of Frieren's character receiving 12.6 million votes; Aura came in second with 1.05 million votes, higher than the series' main character, Frieren. Even Taketatsu joined the fans in being surprised by Aura's ranking.
While Aura's death by Frieren means she won't appear in the current story, the latter's line, “Aura, kill yourself,” ranks high in Anime! Anime's most popular quotes! in 2023, other stories focusing on the character will likely make her famous. Many of Frieren's previously released spin-offs have also shown a clear desire to expand the universe.
More generally, Frieren teased the new anime sequel in a post following the end of Season 1. The anime has been a huge hit with fans in terms of popularity, with sales of the manga increasing doubled thanks to the adaptation. Directed by Keiichiro Saito, script by Tomohiro Suzuki and music by Evan Call, the anime airs on Crunchyroll and is described: After the group of heroes defeated the Demon King, they restored peace to the land and filmed return to a lonely life. . Many generations pass and the elven mage Frieren must face the death of humanity. She takes on a new apprentice and promises to fulfill the dying wishes of her old friends. Can the elven mind make peace with the nature of life and death? Frieren embarked on a journey of understanding.
Source: Ayana Taketatsu via X (formerly Twitter)© Yamada Kanehito, Abe Tsukasa /Shogakukan / “Sousou no Frieren” production committee