The Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 finale aired on Thursday, officially wrapping up the “Shibuya Incident” arc. It was also immediately announced that a new season would soon include a “Culling Games” arc. However, while most of this season kept me on the edge of my seat, the finale of this season didn’t do much for me.
It’s time to prepare for the Elimination Game Season
After ending the Jujutsu Kaisen Part 2 finale with a two-minute sequence of almost nothing (the majority of which consisted of Itadori walking on a bridge from above), it was sad to watch the “Shibuya Incident” arc. -almost finished. a masterpiece of a season – ending gracefully. Yuta’s return is a sight for sore eyes, but other than that, this finale doesn’t really have much to offer.
For example, Geto is on the run with Gojo sealed. Meanwhile, Itadori’s execution will be entrusted to another of Gojo’s former apprentices. Nobara is also dead, while Megumi is unaccounted for. There are constant still shots of buildings and parks emphasizing the ghost town that Shibuya has become, as well as scenes of the massacre of several innocent people (by cursed spirits roaming freely). proves how dangerous this area is. And since the damage is over and done with in Shibuya, the rest of Japan is now reacting to the situation. That’s pretty much all there is to the Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 finale.
And then there’s Yuki, who does almost nothing but make funny faces and have meaningless conversations with Geto. It’s about his view of the world and what he wants to (sort of) create, which we basically understand at this point. Certainly, Yuta appearing at the end of the episode as the one who ordered Itadori’s death would make for an interesting storyline, especially since we get a glimpse of his raw power in the Jujutsu Kaisen movie.
But overall, this finale didn’t excite me, not even on a writing level. That doesn’t bother the production team, though, as even the environmental artwork in this episode is largely fantastic. Simply put, the episode is a slow and uneventful conclusion to what some consider the anime’s best plot.
Something to look forward to
The new season of Jujutsu Kaisen is always good news for fans of the series. However, memes have started talking about MAPPA not giving their employees a break. At this point, even fans who aren’t as involved in the anime’s production as others can easily see that exploitation has been on full display this season. So while it’s nice to see a new season announced, I don’t expect to see it in 2024 anytime soon.
As for the “Killing Game” arc, many people consider it a rival to this arc. “Shibuya Incident” in many aspects, especially its actions. However, I will warn those who are just anime fans that at times, this part can be a bit confusing if you miss even the smallest detail. A lot of new characters will be introduced soon and some parts with unnecessary characters will last longer than necessary. That said, it’s still an important part of Jujutsu Kaisen’s story with a lot of lore and character development.
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Finale Recap
I wish there was more to say about this finale, but it basically covers the events and reactions I had. Compared to other fall 2023 finales, Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 has, frankly, one of the worst finales. However, that doesn’t take away from the incredible season we all had. Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 was my choice as “Anime of the Season” for many reasons. And so, to all the staff who put their blood, sweat and tears into this season-thank you! No words can express the gratitude I have for all of you.
Final season rating: 6/10
Be sure to vote for Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 in our fall 2023 seasonal awards! The series is streaming on Crunchyroll with English subtitles.
©Gege Akutami/Shueisha/JUJUTSU KAISEN Project