The classic anime Neon Genesis Evangelion is known for its dark psychological undertones, with many viewers praising the way the series subverts mecha anime. However, the franchise's latest forms of merchandise include adorable magnetic versions of its characters.
Good Smile Company’s “Huggy Good Smile” collection proudly introduces new Evangelion figures that function as magnets. Based on the franchise’s latest films, these toys come in a variety of options, including two different versions of Asuka and Rei. With Good Smile now accepting pre-orders, fans can get their hands on these collectibles that are sure to make them forget just how dark the anime is.
These New Evangelion Magnets Are Too Adorable to Describe in Words
Good Smile Company's new Evangelion collectibles aren't the battle-weary, tough mecha pilots many fans are familiar with from the series. Instead, the line includes huggable figures based on Shinji, Rei, Asuka, Kaworu, and Mari from the Rebuild of Evangelion reboot films. There are also two additional figures depicting Asuka with an eye patch and Rei with long hair. The figures can be placed on their laurels on a table or shelf, making them a lovely way to showcase the series' characters. The arms can be moved up and down for certain poses, while magnets on the back of their heads mean they can easily be displayed on a fridge or freezer.
The Good Smile Huggy line includes other figures that are depicted in a hyper-deformed manner. Examples include the Vocaloid character Miku Hatsune, as well as 2B from the video game and anime series NieR: Automata. The line is currently available for pre-order on Good Smile's US website for $10.99. Pre-orders run from now until the end of September, although the figures themselves won't ship until Q3 2025. While they may not quite capture the psychological horror inherent in the Neon Genesis Evangelion anime series, these magnets can light up the dark hearts of even the most violent Angels in the series.
Source: Good Smile Company USA