In August 1987, legendary manga author Rumiko Takahashi released the beloved manga Ranma ½. In fact, this manga is so popular that it only took two years for the series to be adapted into a popular anime. Even to this day, the series maintains a following with reruns on local Japanese television stations and ranked on Weekly Shonen Sunday 50th Anniversary Anime Ranma ½: Akumu ! Shunmin Kou (commonly known as Nightmare! Spring Sleep in English-speaking areas) in 2010. Although there are sometimes no new anime or manga, fans need not worry. Women’s fashion brand Felissimo announced on October 13 a partnership with the Ranma brand for a line of clothing and other accessories.
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『らんま1/2』のコラボグッズ発売中!らんまとおそろいのなると柄パジャマやカンフーパンツ、ほぼ原寸大の 「もちもちPちゃんポーチ」、名シーンを再現 「右京からの果たし状お好み焼きポーチ」など。特設サイトで商品一覧をチェック????????⇒
— フェリシモキャラクター情報局 (@felichara_info) October 13, 2023
“Ranma 1/Collaboration Merchandise 2″ is now on sale! Items include patterned pajamas and matching kung fu pants for Ranma, an almost oversized “Mochi Mochi P-chan bag” and an “Okonomiyaki bag from Ukyo” with the famous saying. Check the product list on the special website ????????⇒https://www.
Fans can purchase a variety of Ranma ½ merchandise through the Felissimo website. The product includes two sets of pajamas, three sets of kung-fu shoes, a Genma velvet whiteboard, three sets of hairpins, three boxes of wasanbon sugar candy, three boxes of assorted tea, and Ranma’s blue shirt buttons. shirt, Ranma’s blue pants, three sets of socks, Ukyo okonomiyaki bag, Ryoga bag as P-chan, Ranma and Akane bags, reversible tote bag, reversible kinchaku wallet, romantic scene sweater awkward romance between Ranma and Akane, and three pillowcases. These are all cute items for any fan of the series. Even though Felissimo is a women’s brand, there’s nothing stopping all fans from purchasing.
Fans will have to be careful when purchasing certain outfits, especially the ones (pajamas, hair clips, wasanbon, tea containers, socks and pillowcases). Although the website lists the items as sets, purchasing a quantity of one (1) will not get you the full set. There is only one item from the set. For example, if you order tea tins and the quantity is set to one (1), you will only receive one of the tins and not the whole set. To get the full tea box set, you must order a quantity of three (3). Once you’ve done that and paid, you’ll receive one tin every month for three months. It’s a bit confusing at first, but this tip will make buying the set easier.
Felissimo Ranma ½ items will be available while supplies last. Unfortunately, six of the items, pajamas, Genma velvet, P-chan velvet, sweater, kinchaku purse, and pillowcase, are sold out. There is also nothing stated on the website about international shipping. However, experience with other collaborations shows that Fellissimo does not ship internationally, which is a shame for fans abroad. If you’re planning an extended stay in Japan and want to buy some of that Ranma ½ merchandise, you’ll have to act fast.
Source: Felissimo (Link 2) and Twitter account of Felissimo Character Information