Gogetathe fusion of two proud protagonists of Dragon Ball franchise, is undoubtedly one of the most iconic characters out there. Few creatures in Akira Toriyama's world are as beloved and influential as this fusion warrior. One character that can rival Gogeta's popularity is the mighty dragon god, Shenron, who created the artifacts that give the franchise its name.
These two iconic entities have joined forces in an incredible piece of fan art created by the talented KAKERU (@DBSKAKERU1 on X). In this stunning piece, both entities showcase their godlike abilities by reaching the impressive Super Saiyan Blue transformation that has become a hallmark of the Dragon Ball universe.
The power of the gods flows through Gogeta and Shenron
Both characters are depicted using Godly KI
The awesome fanart created by KAKERU depicts Gogeta in a fighting stance, ready to face anyone who challenges this noble warrior. The fused being can be seen using Powerful Super Saiyan Blue formas he did during his fight with Broly in the second Dragon Ball Super movie. His fist glows with energy, implying that he is preparing an ultimate technique to end the fight. Since Shenron glows blue instead of his signature green, this scene could be a tribute to Gogeta's iconic Dragon Fist.
KAKERU did an amazing job not only detailing the characters but also the environment around them. Below Gogeta, the ground can be seen crumbling, most likely due to the appearance of Shenron on the battlefield. The colors the artist used in the painting not only greatly complement the appearance of the Saiyan warrior and the dragon god, but also make these creatures look especially terrifying. Additionally, Gogeta's fierce expression turns this already impressive piece of art into a thrilling scene. This warrior may be about to finish off his enemy with one final show of power.
Dragon Fist is one of the strongest attacks in the series.
This technique was first used by Goku.
Dragon Fist is one of Goku's signature moves, in which he concentrates a massive amount of Ki into his hand. After charging the attack, Goku charges at his opponent, creating a trail of Ki that resembles a dragon, similar to Shenron. A single Dragon Fist is capable of destroying an opponent, as seen in his battle against the evil and powerful Syn Shenron in Dragon Ball GT.
KAKERU seems to have taken inspiration from this technique, imagining what it would look like when used by a fusion of Goku and Vegeta. Without a doubt, this piece is an incredible display of both talent and creativity. Gogeta and Shenron are an unusual combination but work amazingly in this outstanding piece. Dragon Ball fan piece. KAKERU's vision of Gogeta Mastering Dragon Fist will leave a deep impression on all fans who witness such amazing works of art.