Toriyama passed away in March 2024, causing the ongoing Dragon Ball Super series to go on hiatus immediately. It seems the series will never return, as the man behind the entire franchise, which includes some of the best anime ever, is no more.
But we've been assured that's not true, as Toyotaro, the illustrator for Dragon Ball Super alongside Akira, has talked about when the story might return.
Toyotaro told Weekly Dragon Ball News: “The battle with the villain Moro is complete, I'm very happy to see the voting results. But I won't stop there! I plan to continue to bring out many exciting battles for the fans to enjoy. So I hope you all will continue to follow my work.”
What Toyotaro is referring to is a list of Goku's best battles, presented on a show hosted by V-Jump editor Victory Uchiha. Of course, the next sentence is the most comforting, as Toyotaro clearly states that he is not done yet, and will continue to come up with intense battles for Goku and the Z-Warriors.
Indeed, with a new Dragon Ball anime coming soon, all eyes are on Dragon Ball Super as many are curious if the manga will return. We still don't know when we'll see these new battles.
Dragon Ball Super went on hiatus at chapter 103 back in March, which ended the Super Hero arc of the manga. The chapter was published shortly after news of Toriyama's death broke, and after its release, Shueisha shared that the manga would be on hiatus. Now, fans will have to wait for the Dragon Ball Super manga to return.
Dragon Ball Daima's release seems like a good time, but that's just speculation at this point. Still, reading Dragon Ball in a post-Akira Toriyama world would be a strange feeling.