Dragon Ball Daima ushered in a new era for the Dragon Ball series, as part of its 40th anniversary celebration, and with it came some big changes in how we view the gods.
For the first time in the series' history, Dragon Ball Daima will introduce the great demon world, as Goku is about to embark on a whole new adventure to find the Demon King Gomah and reverse the wish he made with the dragon god. , fighting all the Z warriors became children. But with this new series, fans also learned some new things about Supreme Kai.
With a deep dive into the Demon Realm, Dragon Ball Daima reveals just how vast this new realm really is. It is implied that there are not only many worlds within the great demon world, but also an extension across all 12 universes within the multiverse.
This anime also reveals a closer connection between Supreme Kai and the residents of the Demon Realm as Supreme Kai's brother and sister, Degesu and Dr. Arinsu, serve in high positions for the Supreme Demon King. That means the gods are at least related in origin to the demons they are branching off from.
The gods in Dragon Ball are actually demons
With Dragon Ball Daima's exploration of the Demon Realm, it was confirmed for the first time that the Namekians originally came from the Demon Realm, before making their way into outer space. This not only partly explains the actions of Great Demon King Piccolo, but also confirms that the Earth has been watched by demons throughout this time.
Kami and Dende's position at an observatory high above Earth placed them in a divine position above humanity. Although it was a role they eventually took on themselves, it has now been confirmed to be at least of demonic origin.
However, it doesn't just stop at the Earth level, as Supreme Kai himself is also a demon. In the Dragon Ball Daima premiere, it is revealed that he is related to both Degesu and Doctor Arinsu of the Demon Realm, so there is at least a little bit of evil in him. Combined with the fact that he has pointy ears (apparently that's how the demons identify each other so far), then that means the one who serves in the highest position in a particular universe Could be a demon.
Even though we've only seen a little bit of the Demon Realm so far, just because a character is a demon doesn't mean they automatically become a villain. Dragon Ball proved that a being's origin doesn't determine the type of mentality they'll have, and that's even more notable with a character like Supreme Kai. Just because he has a connection to the Demon Realm, doesn't mean he has acted like a villain this entire time. It wasn't until Babidi took control of Dabura's mind that the Demon Realm became a real threat.
The new reveal of Supreme Kai opens up more for the Dragon Ball franchise. Because demons haven't played a big role in the series so far, they will become much more important as more characters seem to have more connections to the demon world than we thought.