Comedy anime adaptation Dekoboko Majo no Oyako Jijou has received a major trailer ahead of its October 1 Japanese premiere.
Additional cast members were also announced. They include Katsuyuki Konishi as Pond, Ikue Ootani as the malicious Koala and Junichi Suwabe as Auri.
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Dekoboko Majo no Oyako Jijou is based on the manga by Piroya, originally a short story published in 2018. The story follows Alyssa, a magician who lives in the forest, and her daughter Viola, who was adopted as a child. Now 16 years old, Viola has matured to the point of making Alyssa centuries older.
Masahiro Takata (The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World) will direct the anime Gyro Knuckle as the creator of the series and Miwa Yoshidanh> (Fate/Apocrypha Episode 7 co-animation director) as character designer and animation director. A-Real is an animation production company.
Cast includes Aoi Koga as Alyssa, Nana Mizuki as Viola, You Taichi as Giriko, Akira Sekine as Luna, Takayuki Kondou as Fennel and Daisuke Ono as Grind.
The manga series published by Flex Comix is serialized in Comic Meteor and published under the Meteor Comics label. The fifth tankoubon volume was released in April.
Source: Official channel of KING AMUSEMENT CREATIVE