EQUAL Masha‘s Mash Burnedead has proven time and time again, all magical techniques are vulnerable to physical defenses, including Jujutsu KaisenThe Scariest Curse Technique – Domain Expansion. Jujutsu Kaisen and Mashle: Magic and Muscles both stand out for magic users. Furthermore, magic users in the two series are generally considered superior to non-magical users or anyone incapable of using magic. However, there is a major exception to this pattern in Jujutsu Kaisen and Mashle, which is that humans have superhuman abilities that can defeat magic by disabling the caster.
In the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, no one wants to fall victim to a domain extension attack. In essence, domain expansion creates a range around users and competitors where user capabilities are greatly enhanced. Most importantly, in field expansion, the user’s innate strength always hits the opponent with maximum force. While domain expansion is not impossible to resist, surviving a domain often requires a high degree of magical skill. While all of that may be true in Jujutsu Kaisen, Mashle’s Mash Burnedead has discovered a defense so simple that most magic users overlook it.
Mash shows how to counter Jujutsu Kaisen’s ultimate attack
In Episode #10 of the Mashle anime, Magia Lupus member Abyss Razor suggests a battle against Mash. As in Jujutsu Kaisen, while Mash retains his normal physical abilities, Abyss’s abilities are enhanced. However, after his fire fighting strategy failed, Mash changed the whole move to attack the physical space inside the domain. He hit the floor with enough force to create a shockwave that sent debris everywhere, resulting in a narrowing of the Abyss’ attack. Now knowing that an attack can only come in one direction, Mash defends that one direction while also thinking of a counterattack using the same narrow corridor.
A similar strategy used in Jujutsu Kaisen will produce similar results. It will increase the opponent’s defense against an attack while also reducing the user’s perfect hit. At the very least, it will create the possibility for the opponent to break out of the domain barrier and all the benefits accrue to the users inside. While this is a funny solution to a powerful technique, it’s also pretty clever. One of the best parts of Shonen anime and manga is seeing how the heroes overcome seemingly impossible techniques. So, for funny people like Mashle, this is really a great solution.
The domain extension must be anchored to some base, so if the base is destroyed as Mash demonstrated, the domain extension will necessarily lose some or all of its integrity. Furthermore, a sorcerer doesn’t have to be as physically gifted as Mash to be able to defend. However, they would need to be able to destroy the physical environment which seems to be an ability that both Jujutsu Kaisen And Mashle: Magic and Muscle share.
Jujutsu Kaisen And Mashle: Magic and Muscle now available from Viz Media.