As one of the first alternate universe installments in the Mobile Suit Gundam series, it's no surprise that Gundam Wing remains one of the series' most popular installments. Now, one of its iconic mobile suits is getting a new High Grade model kit.
Released by Premium Bandai USA, the HGAC Altron Gundam is based on a recreation of one of the mobile suits from Gundam Wing. Complete with its iconic weapon, this model is a must-have for fans of the legendary anime, which is about to turn 30 years old. It joins a number of other model kits, with the collectibles available for pre-order now.
Bandai Unveils Latest Version of Classic Gundam Wing Mecha
The new HGAC Altron Gundam is being released by Premium Bandai, which handles fan and collector models, model kits, and similar merchandise. The Altron Gundam features the iconic design of most Gundams, such as the crest on its head and other design elements. It also incorporates the dragon theme of its predecessor, the Shenlong Gundam, with fans able to replicate its legendary articulation. Both arms feature extendable “Dragon Fang” weapons, perfect for close-range attacks, and the unit also comes with a Twin Beam Cannon, a Beam Trident, and a shield that can be held or mounted on the mobile suit’s shoulders (along with interchangeable hand accessories).
This is the second mobile suit piloted by Chang Wufei in Gundam Wing—one of the anime’s “superstar” pilots who was meant to help the series appeal to a wider audience (and more women). Despite its impressive level of detail, you can pre-order it now via Premium Bandai for just $27. Fans should hurry, though, as pre-orders end on November 4, 2024, and items will ship sometime in December. It’s similar to the Premium Bandai Dragon Gundam, although that mecha comes from the Mobile Fighter G Gundam parallel universe. Gundam Wing remains particularly popular in the West, where it was the first series in the series to be seen by many fans. Released in 1995, it’s the second Gundam anime not to be part of the classic Universal Century timeline.
Source: Premium Bandai USA