Kodansha’s YanMaga Web recently launched a new manga, “Maokin: The Case of the Demon Who Dwelled in a Girls’School Teacher’s Balls,”
written by Takeshi Azuma and Noriyuki Fujisawa (Mikado Muramasa).
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The plot follows Nakata, a teacher whose local territory harbors a demon lord. If Nakata ejaculates, the demon lord will be released, leading to the destruction of the world.
Nakata faces a challenging situation when magic manipulates the students at the girls’ school where he teaches, forcing them to seduce him. Now the fate of the world rests on Nakata’s shoulders and, strangely enough, his balls.
Azuma, known for “Denpa Kyōshi – He Is a Ultimate Teacher,” ended in 2017 after debuting in 2011 on Weekly Shonen Sunday.
The series inspired anime commercials in 2012 and 2013, followed by a 24-episode television adaptation in 2015. Azuma also worked on “Chrono Ma:gia: Mugen no Haguruma” and “ Isekai Chef to Saikyō Bōshoku Hime.”
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Fujisawa, on the other hand, contributed to the manga adaptation of Ougyo Kawagishi’s novel series “Juken no Hime no Overkill: Tokkuni Life wa Rei nanoni,” which ended in June 2022 after its launch in August 2020. 2021 on Shogakukan’s Yawaraka Spirits website.
Source | YanMaga Web