Team Galactic, led by Cyrus, succeeded in their plan to use Legendary Pokémon to open a portal to a new world, leaving the Sinnoh region behind. While Team Galactic’s goal was to create a utopia, Cyrus had a different plan and never intended to bring anyone else along. Ash and Pikachu, along with the Lake Guardians, were able to save Sinnoh from destruction, but were ultimately unable to stop Cyrus from achieving his goal of being alone in another dimension.
For many years of Pokémon anime, Ash has faced off against almost every major villain and villain team ever, and almost every time, Ash and Pikachu have come out on top. However, there is one exception, which is when Ash faces off against the evil Team Galactic.
Team Galactic, like in the game Diamonds and Pearls, plans to use the legendary Pokémon Palkia and Dialga to open a portal in space and time, a portal that will forever seal them off from the old world and allows them to create their own twisted version. unthinkable. They were led by a man named Cyrus, who created an object called the Red Chain, with which he was able to manipulate the powers of Palkia and Dialga to force them to open such a portal. This plan could have some huge consequences for the Sinnoh sector, but Cyrus and Team Galactic don’t care what might happen to the world after they leave it.
Pokémon’s Cyrus got exactly what he wanted
These events culminate in the episode “Legends’ Final Battle!”, where Cyrus is actually able to use the Red Chain. Palkia and Dialga’s powers are used to open a portal, and that’s when Cyrus reveals his deception: Team Galactic is merely a tool to accomplish his goals and he has never now intends to take someone else with him to his new world. While the portal initially posed a danger to Sinnoh, Ash and crew worked with the Lake Guardians to free Dialga and Palkia, causing the portal to shrink… but Cyrus jumped through the portal himself , successfully leaving the main universe for some. another direction.
Since Cyrus’ goals were different from those of Team Galactic, his plan actually worked perfectly. Team Galactic’s administrators and remaining members were captured, and the portal was destroyed by Palkia and Dialga, but Cyrus herself seemed to have gotten what she wanted. While there’s no indication of what’s on the other side of the portal or whether it’s what Cyrus was expecting, what he discovers there isn’t ultimately that important. Cyrus wanted to be alone in another world and he accomplished that goal. A revived Team Galactic would even attempt to “save” him later in the Arceus Chronicles special, but they failed and Cyrus remained in his alternate dimension.
Ash and Pikachu, along with their companions and the Lake Guardians, were able to save Sinnoh here, as the area would have been swallowed by the black hole if they had not been present, but when they stopped the The plans of the wicked have truly failed. . This is consistent with the story of the Diamond and Pearl games, in which Cyrus is the only person to escape through a portal. Whether Cyrus’ plan will achieve what he hopes or not remains a mystery, but either way, Cyrus is the only Pokémon villain to carry out his evil plan even with Ash’s intervention.