The Ten Count anime adaptation was canceled following a decision by the production team. The theatrical anime was scheduled for release in 2023 but that never happened. The adaptation previously revealed teaser images:
The cancellation notice was posted on Ten Count’s official anime website: Thank you for your continued support of Ten Count. Regarding the theatrical animated film Ten Count, scheduled for release in 2023: we moved forward with the release, but due to production reasons, we decided to cancel production. We would like to sincerely apologize to all the fans who have been looking forward to it for a long time, as well as everyone involved in the production of this work.
EAST FISH STUDIO and SynergySP are said to be animating the adaptation. So, Toyama wrote the script and directed, while Tomomi Shimazaki was in charge of character design. The cast includes:
- Shinnosuke Tachibana plays Tadaomi Shiratani
- Tomoaki Maeno plays Riku Kurose
Rihito Takarai’s Ten Count manga was serialized from 2013 to 2017 in Shinshokan’s Dear+ magazine. It ended up with 46 chapters, compiled into six volumes. Viz Media’s SuBLime published the entire manga in English and describes the plot as: Company secretary Shirotani suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder. One day, he meets Kurose, a therapist who offers to take him through a ten-step program to cure his compulsions. As the two go through each of the ten steps, Shiratani’s attraction to his mentor grows.
Ten Count also appears in the web anime short 6 Lovers.
The adaptation of Rihito Takarai’s story was originally set to premiere on television in 2020 but was delayed as the production team wanted to further develop the story’s direction.
Source: Ten Count Anime Official Website© Rihito Takarai, Shinshokan / Ten Count Production Committee