The upcoming anime adaptation of Cocoa Fujiwara’s Katsute Maho Shojo to Aku wa Tekitai Shiteita (Magical Girl and the Evil Lieutenant’s former sworn enemy aka MahoAku) has revealed teaser images and release date on July 2024. Studio BONES is animating the series. Mai Nakahara and Yuki Ono will voice the main characters,
The adaptation was announced at Anime NYC last year. The staff was mainly female because the studio wanted to properly convey the complex emotions of the original work. The late author (known for Inu x Boku SS) was a big fan of BONES and even recommended the MahoAku adaptation to the studio president nearly a decade ago. According to the official announcement, the project was in the works for more than 8 years but was stalled after Fujiwara’s death in 2015. The staff includes:
- Director: Akiyo Ohashi
- Screenplay: Yuniko Ayana
- Character design: Haruko Iizuka
- Music: Mayuko
Katsute Mahou Shoujo to Aku wa Tekitai shiteita is a 4-koma (four-panel manga) series that ran from 2013 to 2015 in Square Enix’s Gangan Joker magazine. It has a total of 20 chapters and is compiled into three volumes. The plot follows the daily adventures of a lieutenant serving an evil empire and a magical girl. The manga has never been licensed in English.
Source: Official website© Cocoa Fujiwara / Square Enix / MahoAku Production Committee