The anime series Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc. Studio Moe and JCStaff’s upcoming release has released its first trailer and key art. Readers can view both below:
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Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc. – First trailer
The first half of the trailer describes “Kana struggles to find a job and Koshigaya rushes to the scene of a disaster where a ‘monster’ appears.” In the middle and second half of the trailer, “Shigemoto, Nikoyama and Midorikawa appear and their characters’ voices are shown for the first time. Additionally, Kana and Koshigaya are depicted as they face a’monster’ together, and Kana’transforms’ into a magical girl when she joins Magilumiere Inc. and take your first steps as a working member of society.“
Anime Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc. – Key Visual
First Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc. Trailer and Key Art. follows the additional cast and Fall 2024 release announcement made last year. Magilumiere joins several upcoming JCStaff anime series, including Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest, One Punch Man Season 3, Honey Lemon Soda and 11 other anime set in 2024 and 2025.
Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc. adapted from the manga by Sekka Iwata, published on Shueisha’s Jump+ platform and illustrated by Yu Aoki. The manga has been collected into 10 volumes as of December 2023, with Volume 11 to be released in April 2024. VIZ licenses the manga and describes it:
Kana Sakuragi is an excellent candidate for the job. Any work! She is active, organized and has an excellent memory. So why did she interview at more than 15 companies without receiving a single offer? She’s trying to stay positive, but it seems her bad luck only got worse when a monster crashed her latest interview. When devastation occurs, she finds herself helping the magical girl who comes to their rescue and gets more in return than just her life. Meet the newest magical girl at Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc.!
Source: Official website
© Sekka Iwata, Yu Aoki/SHUEISHA/“Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc.” Production Committee