The production team of the Bananya television anime announced on Tuesday that the third season, titled Bananya Around the World, will premiere in October. In the new season, the main character Bananya meets a new, younger Bananya named Baby Sweet and embarks on an adventure around the world.
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Image via Comic Natalie
© Bananya Lovers
Yūki Kaji returns to voice various characters including Bananya and new character Manuru. Ayumu Murase returns, this time to voice Baby Sweet and other characters.
Kyō Yatate (Sockie's Frontier Quest) is also returning to direct the anime, though this time at TMS Entertainment Studio 6 and Lesprit. Masahiro Takata (director, Super Seisyun Brothers writer). is supervising the scripts once again and writing the scripts this time with Sei Yoshitsuki (Nyaaanvy).
Q-LiA launched the mascot character Bananya in 2015. Crunchyroll streamed the first television anime when it aired in the summer of 2016, and Discotek released it on Blu-ray and DVD with an English dub in the summer of 2018. Crunchyroll later streamed the second season in the fall of 2019 worldwide except Asia, and describes the story:
There are still many mysteries about the creatures in this universe that we do not know. On a distant planet, a mysterious species appeared. They are known as “Bananyas”. What planet do the Bananyas come from and what kind of life do they have? And what would happen if they started dreaming about coming to Earth one day?
Update: Crunchyroll has announced that they will also air a third season.
Source: Comic Natalie