KADOKAWA has revealed that the light novel series Chichi wa Eiyuu, Haha wa Seirei, Musume no Watashi wa Tenseisha (Father is a Hero, Mother a Spirit, Me, Their Daughter Am a Reincarnator) will be adapted into a television anime.
Book Title KADOKAWA written by Matsuura and illustrated by keepout. The reincarnated protagonist is the child of a former hero and queen of souls, who decides to use her previous life’s knowledge and her current soul power to protect her family from evil. anyone threatens them. The series released its first volume in 2018 and ended in 2022 with nine volumes.
Chichi wa Eiyuu, Haha wa Seirei, Musume no Watashi wa Tenseisha began as a web novel Shousetsuka ni Narou in 2016. The light novel inspired the manga adaptation.
Photo source: KADOKAWA Books website
Source: @kadokawabooks