The Pokémon The anime has quite a few mysterious artifacts from ancient civilizations, but one of the most interesting are masks and staffs that allow the user to completely control any Pokémon, even if not caught, making anyone, including Team Rocket’s Jessie, a Pokémon Master-level trainer.
In the episode “Control Freak!” from when Johto, Ash, Brock, and Misty chase after Brock’s Golbat until they discover a woman walking out of an archaeological excavation site with her ultrasound machine broken. Brock thinks he can help fix the machine, and the woman fills them in on what she’s looking for: the aforementioned mask and scepter, which once belonged to a beloved queen. It’s not surprising that when Team Rocket gets a hold of this object, it becomes their focus for the episode. What’s more surprising, however, is that Jessie actually got it and it actually worked.
The mask and staff give anyone full control over the Pokémon – Within a limited area
Jessie first examined the artifacts on James’s Victreebel, calling it out of the Poké Ball and ordering it to attack James. Jessie wasted no time and immediately deployed it on Pikachu, controlling Pikachu’s mind and forcing it to come with them. All Pokémon Ash and teammates. The call to stop them falls under Jessie’s control, and to make matters worse, she now has Pikachu to protect her. Everything seems to be going in Team Rocket’s favor, until Jessie and Pikachu pass by a marker on the ground, which turns out to be the boundary where the artifacts come into play. Team Rocket can’t actually use these items to steal Pokémon, as the mask and staff only work at the dig site.
Such an artifact clearly puts a huge risk in Team Rocket’s hands so it’s quite fortunate that it can affect a limited area. Its existence provides an interesting insight into the era before Poké Balls, showing that humans in the Pokémon world have long wished to command the immense power that Pokémon possess. Pokémon anime often use ancient ruins like these as the basis for episodes, but this may be one of the most unique occasions, as there’s nothing quite like a Poké Ball here. What’s impressive is that the device works even on Pokémon in their Poké Balls, bypassing the tech controls inside.
Of course, Team Rocket loses their artifact and gets blown up. Although only effective in a small area, these items can be used to defend the queen’s city and her followers, but since there is no longer a city there, they are of little use. . Of course, such a shortcut wouldn’t appeal to Ash anyway, who wants to become a Pokémon Master in a more appropriate way. It seems like a pretty dangerous item floating around Pokémon The world, however, hoped its existence had been kept secret.