Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom (Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom) is the final film of the DC superhero universe before being rebooted under the reign of James Gunn and Peter Safran. This may cause the movie to lose its appeal to fans of superhero movies in particular. But for mass audiences, the character Aquaman and the vast, colorful ocean world are always an attractive topic to experience in theaters.
Still retaining the elements that made part 1 successful, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom has simple content, focusing on spreading out developments to maximize entertainment potential.
We get to see Jason Momoa again as Aquaman and once again the actor from Hawaii shows that he is the perfect person to play the King of Atlantis. Jason Momoa’s Aquaman still maintains his wild, optimistic spirit and charming sense of humor. In this movie, Aquaman must learn to take on new roles in life: being a father, being king of the sea and being a brother.
The central theme in Aquaman 2 is about family, shown through the process of mending the sibling relationship between Aquaman and King Orm – Ocean Master (Patrick Wilson) – the main villain in the first part. After encountering his old enemy Black Manta and witnessing the dark power that could destroy the ocean, Aquaman had to seek Orm’s help. From here, the film turns into a funny and sad journey between two brothers who are sworn enemies, searching for the solution to the dark power and protecting the destiny of the ocean.
The journey leads them to mysterious lands, encountering mysterious creatures and engaging in epic battles, creatively choreographed and meticulously designed, giving viewers a thrilling experience. or eyes.
The film has a cast of supporting characters who simply play a supporting role but are still indispensable in the colorful ocean world thanks to their unique personalities, beautiful designs and impressive fighting scenes. Among them, “Australian Swan” Nicole Kidman as Queen Atlanna is the character who shines the brightest as she brings both the image of a mother and a brave female warrior, playing a key role in important moments. .
Amber Heard’s appearance in the film is also a factor that attracts public attention. In fact, Mera’s role in Aquaman 2 has decreased significantly, but the filmmaker did not downplay the character’s importance because of the actor’s reputation. Mera still has enough screen time to contribute to the story line. And it’s undeniable that Amber Heard’s beauty always makes the frame shine.
Even though this piece of entertainment is pleasing to the ears and eyes, there are still moments in it Aquaman 2 makes viewers bored because of the quickness in solving the problem. The unfinished script is the consequence of behind-the-scenes scandals, from DC’s volatile future to Amber Heard’s scandalous private life.
However, all of director James Wan’s efforts still keep the film feeling seamless, enough to bring not only spectacular, eye-catching moments, but also gentle, close interactions that highlight Optimistic spirit and family atmosphere.
Even the collapse of the DCEU universe can be considered an advantage Aquaman 2 feel free to stand independently, without having to connect with other superheroes or create a foundation for the future. Thanks to that, you can maximize your own available resources.
General, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom is a pure entertainment work with simple developments, no fuss in content and invested in images and sound of the highest quality, suitable for viewing on high-end formats such as IMAX and 4DX.
Released during Christmas time, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom has absolutely all the elements to win big at the box office. The film officially premiered on December 22.