The eagerly awaited anime adaptation of Sunsunsun and Momoco's light novel Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian will premiere on July 3. Ryota Ito at Doga Kobo Studio holds the position of Director while Yuhei Murota is in charge of character design.
Meet Alisa Mikhailovna Kujou, the mysterious beauty who always keeps her emotions close to her chest. Admired for her beautiful appearance and intelligence, she remains an aloof figure among her peers. But another side of her emerged in the presence of Masachika Kuze, her tablemate. Despite her aloof attitude, Alisa's affectionate gestures are reserved exclusively for Masachika, often conveyed in her mother tongue, Russian.
Masachika, seemingly uninterested in school work, secretly understands Alisa's language, adding another layer of intrigue to their interactions. As their banter becomes more playful, their relationship deepens and Alisa finds herself attracted to Masachika in unexpected ways.
As the film gears up for release on July 3, Anime Expo 2024 attendees can see Alisa in action via the latest character trailer, following last week's Masachika showcase. Stay tuned for weekly releases leading up to the premiere, providing insights into the captivating story of Alya Sometimes hiding her emotions in Russian.