Dragon Ball is a popular anime/manga series around the world. The world of Dragon Ball has countless characters, each with unique appearance and personality, capturing the hearts of many people.
Recently, the trend of AI-generated images has appeared loudly, dressing the bodies of fictional characters in a new, more realistic outfit.
This article compares AI-generated images of Dragon Ball characters with their anime counterparts. Thereby exploring the similarities and differences between the two versions, as well as the meaning of these AI-generated images for the future of anime.
The AI-generated Dragon Ball characters come to life through an advanced technique called Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). This is a machine learning algorithm, possessing outstanding ability to create extremely realistic images.
The AI-generated images closely resemble the iconic Dragon Ball characters from the popular animated series. AI successfully recreated the facial features, hairstyles and clothing of the Z warrior group with outstanding accuracy.
However, there are also notable differences. In particular, the AI-generated images show lifelike skin tones and enhanced muscle contours. When comparing both versions, these differences become obvious.