This week, the fifteenth episode of the anime Sousou no Frieren aired, continuing the journey of Frieren, Fern, Stark and Sein to the northern end of the world. A special scene in this episode immediately attracted attention and spread on social networks. This scene shows a dance between Stark and Fern, who must learn etiquette as part of her duties as a noble.
Often scenes with a large amount of precise movement and detail will be done with the help of CGI, creating a motion sequence where only the model is attached to the characters. However, the interesting thing is This intricate dance scene did not use CGI but was done entirely by hand.
Project director Keiichirou Saitou gave confirmation: “I thank MYOUN for taking care of the entire dance scene with the storyboard and other trusted people for taking care of the shot that only included two panels in the original comic. In addition, all dance moves are hand-drawn by artists, without using CGI.”
In response, MYOUN shared a short storyboard video, confirming that all movements were done by hand.
The director continued to explain the scene, revealed that all the dance moves were planned with the help of a dance academy in Japan, even though the original scene in the manga only had two panels. He said: “Many thanks to Tatsuro Otake Dance Academy for their help in choreographing the dance scenes. It was fun to see the flow of the scenery on the ground and build up the choreography with the performances. Thanks also to Evan Call for the wonderful music in this scene.”
And if you’re wondering how this scene plays out in the original manga, you’ll be impressed to know that it barely takes up two panels of chapter 32. So Madhouse’s job in creating a long scene with so much The little source material is certainly spectacular.
It’s because of things like that. Sousou no Frieren (Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End) continues to be one of the best works of 2023. What’s interesting is that unlike other movies that have achieved first place from MyAnimeList but have fallen short by just a few Hours later, Sousou no Frieren maintained its first position for weeks.
Below are comments from the audience about the dance between Stark and Fern:
– It dEasily one of the best scenes of the year. Sousou no Frieren has brought the best moments to watch and experience from the very first minutes. Congratulations to Madhouse for such a spectacular project.
– This scene is so beautiful. The music is also amazing. My passionate heart did nothing but scream at this sight. I’ve always wanted to see this scene in animation since reading the original manga and I have to say I wasn’t disappointed at all.
– Keeping in mind that in the original manga this scene only had two panels, it’s incredible what Madhouse can do when inspired.
– MYOUN’s work is amazing, high quality drawings with perfect execution, well-paced steps and perfect parallelism between the couple. It’s an impressive piece of work executed to perfection.
– The entire dance scene in the most recent episode of Sousou no Frieren was done by hand, I couldn’t believe it.
– The movements are so smooth that I thought it was CGI. It’s amazing how detailed each episode of this anime is.