Tokyo TV And Pokemon Company announced the creation of a new live-action television series based on the beloved Pokémon franchise. The series is titled Pocket ni Boken wo Tsumekonde or Fill your pockets with adventure in English will focus on games like Pokémon Red, but has a unique premise that sets it apart from the countless other Pokémon properties out there. Additionally, the series is set in the real world.
Pocket Ni Boken wo Tsumekonde will follow Madoka Akagi, a creator who recently moved to Tokyo. She found herself working at a small advertising agency called ADventure. However, she found herself struggling to settle down. One day, Madoka received a package from her mother that contained a Game Boy and a copy of Pokémon Red, which she used to play as a child. Madoka decided to play this game for the first time since she was young and grew more mature through her experience with this game.
Nanase Nishino – Japanese actress, TV host, model and former idol – will play Madoka Akagi. Nishino himself is a fan of Pokémon and has followed the series since he was a child. She received recognition for her acting talent, winning awards such as the 45th Japan Academy Film Award for Best Supporting Actress and Newcomer of the Year.
Pocket Ni Boken wo Tsumekonde is filled with nostalgia
Although one of the themes of this new series is predicted to be adventure, nostalgia will definitely play a huge role in the story. Pokémon fans who grew up with the games will likely feel strongly attached to the nostalgic aspect that the series is sure to evoke. Adults who played the Pokémon games when they were young will certainly find the main character relatable. Ultimately, the series seems to be all about her reconnecting with her childhood interests and how that has inspired her and improved her life in the present.
Pokémon is an extremely successful franchise worldwide, and in addition to its games, Pokémon has also produced a number of popular media series including animation and live action. Unlike the majority of existing Pokémon, this series will be set in our world, where the Pokémon franchise exists. This will be an exciting prospect for fans to look forward to, especially since many of the creators behind it have all expressed their own passion for the Pokémon franchise.
Pocket Ni Boken Wo Tsumekonde will air on October 19 and stream on Japanese streaming service U-Next. Those interested can follow the film’s Instagram and Twitter for more information.
Source: TV Tokyo