A new Fist of the North Star anime, titled Fist of the North Star: Hokuto no Ken, has been announced to commemorate the manga’s 40th anniversary. The announcement was made on September 13 JST, which is North Star Holding Day in Japan.
The press release states that the new film, currently in production, will feature “an all-new cast and creators using [the] Latest animation technology.” Details on release date and streaming availability will be revealed in the future.
©Buronson&Tetsuo Hara/Coamix, HOKUTO Committee
The manga series The Fist of the North Star (Hokuto no Ken) was serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump from 1983 to 1988. Buronson write the story while Tetsuo Hara Provide illustrations. The manga follows Kenshiro, a master of the martial arts Hokuto Shinken, who becomes a savior in a post-apocalyptic world devastated by nuclear war.
In the 1980s, the manga inspired a two-season anime series, now famous for its “You’re dead” line, and an animated film. A new series consisting of OVAs and films was later released from 2006 to 2008 in five parts.
The manga also inspired a 1995 live-action film, a stage play, and video games. A novel titled Hokuto no Ken: Jubaku no Machi was published in 1996 and received a 2003-2004 three-episode OVA adaptation titled New Fist of the North Star.
Source: Press Release