Dragon Ball is an anime/manga series that has conquered millions of fans around the world. However, entering the world of the series can be a daunting task for newcomers.
Don’t worry, here are five important points you need to know.
Merge to become stronger
Fusion – Fusion is an interesting concept in Dragon Ball. This is the fusion of two or more separate beings into one, combining their attributes, from strength and speed to reflexes, to intelligence and wisdom. When properly fused, the single creature created will have an incredible level of strength, far beyond what both warriors can have.
The methods of fusion can be mentioned such as performing the Fusion Dance, using Potara earrings, absorbing…
Seeing iconic characters like Goku and Vegeta fuse into Gogeta or Vegito is probably one of the biggest draws for fans of the series.
Full moon and Saiyans
Another intriguing element in Dragon Ball’s story is the full moon’s effect on the Saiyans. Great Ape is a state in which a Saiyan transforms into Oozaru whenever he looks at the full moon, provided he has a tail.
Oozaru’s form resembles a giant gorilla with many times more strength but causes the Saiyan warrior to lose control, destroying everything in sight. Oozaru’s only weakness is his tail, meaning that if a Saiyan’s tail is cut off, they can’t turn into a giant gorilla.
This transformation was a central element in the early stages of the series, before the concept of Super Saiyan appeared. Although it is a very powerful status, Great Ape is no longer used by characters.
World martial arts tournament
Martial arts tournaments are a regular occurrence in many shounen anime, and Dragon Ball is no exception. The World Martial Arts Tournament takes place every three years, providing a great opportunity for the characters to show off their skills in consecutive battles.
In addition to serving as the stage for epic battles, these tournaments also mark the growth of characters throughout the series.
The future timeline and the Androids
Dragon Ball also explores science fiction themes, including time travel and apocalyptic futures. In particular, the series presents a dystopian future ravaged by evil biological robots. This dystopian future serves as a compelling backdrop for the story, and Future Trunks plays a vital role in trying to save the earth from a tragic fate.
In Trunks’ future, Android 17 and 18 have killed all Z warriors, so Bulma decides to build a time machine for Trunks to go back to the past to save Goku (from heart disease) and warn the Z warriors about the flood Android.
Sacrifice is not the end
In Dragon Ball, losing a life is a relative concept. Thanks to a wish with a magical dragon, characters who have been killed can be revived. This adds a layer of emotional complexity and uniqueness to the story. Because characters can continue to grow and develop even after death.