The Walking Dead (Season 1)
The story revolves around Lee Everett, a man with a sad past, and Clementine, a child he protects in a world full of zombies. In the end, Lee had to face his fate and decided to sacrifice himself to protect Clementine’s future.
Mass Effect 3
In a final war against the aliens, Commander Shepard faces a series of difficult decisions. The endings vary depending on the player’s previous decisions and may include heartbreaking sacrifices.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
The story revolves around Naked Snake (Big Boss) on his quest to hunt down and take revenge on his former teacher. The Boss’s sacrifice and the heartbreaking events related to friendship will make many gamers cry
Final Fantasy VII
Cloud Strife and the AVALANCHE team fight against the powerful company Shinra and Sephiroth, a powerful villain. In the scene where Sephiroth kills Aerith, many gamers will surely blame the game makers for their callousness.
Shadow of the Colossus
In an effort to save his sister, Wander must destroy large colossi. However, he realizes that this comes at a high price and in the end, he must face the consequences of his decision, making for a sad and touching ending.