Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece is considered a milestone in the shounen genre, having revolutionized the anime and manga industry with over 25 years of innovative storytelling. This anime series stands out with more than 1000 episodes and 15 movies released. Not long ago, Netflix suddenly announced that it would remake a brand new anime version of One Piece.
This new project is called “The One Piece”, under the direction of WIT Studio, and aims to be a more faithful adaptation of the original manga. The current One Piece anime is sometimes diluted with additional plot twists, making the idea of a leaner version appealing. However, the decision to release a remake while the original series is still going strong has created mixed opinions.
Typically, anime remakes are produced a significant amount of time after their original release, but One Piece’s continued popularity has led to questions about the need for a remake at this time. .
Here are 5 anime series that deserve to be remade by WIT Studio more than One Piece:
5. Slam Dunk
Slam Dunk is a highly influential basketball anime that has sparked many people’s interest in the sport in Japan. Although a huge success in Japan, the anime deviated from the original manga and was expanded with 101 episodes.
Why is the Slam Dunk remake a unique opportunity?
Although Slam Dunk hasn’t achieved the same level of international popularity as One Piece, WIT Studio’s remake could change that situation. In addition, WIT Studio, which rarely explores the sports genre in its products, may find new opportunities and challenges in remaking “Slam Dunk”. Remakes are likely to focus on a specific storyline, providing a more concise and accessible experience for fans.
4. Ranma ½
Ranma ½ created by Rumihiko Takahashi, is a gem of the 90s. This manga combines elements of action, comedy and romance. The story revolves around Ranma Saotome, a cursed character who changes shape when exposed to cold water. With an engaging cast and humorous plot, “Ranma ½” is a fun and memorable series.
Why did Ranma ½ need a remake?
Although attractive, the Ranma ½ anime is more than 160 episodes long, focusing more on common fun than plot developments. A remake, similar to the recent hit Urusei Yatsura could improve on Ranma ½, condensing it into a more focused story. WIT Studio, with its ability to synthesize and update classic works, can revive Ranma ½.
3. Yu Yu Hakusho
Yu Yu Hakusho is one of the most exciting shounen fighting series of the 90s. The series is about Yusuke Urameshi, a juvenile “criminal” who was hit by a car while trying to save a baby. The Demon King could not believe this young man’s noble actions, so he allowed him to reincarnate and work as Underworld Detective, with the task of investigating cases related to demons and ghosts. in the human world.
Yu Yu Hakusho: WIT Studio’s remake potential
The Yu Yu Hakusho anime faced problems at the end, being too rushed and deviating from the original manga. WIT Studio’s remake could not only address these pacing issues, but also enrich the series with modern visuals and improved storytelling. With Netflix exploring Yu Yu Hakusho in a live-action series, WIT Studio’s anime remake could bring a fresh perspective, rejuvenating this iconic supernatural television series for audiences. nowadays.
2. Flame of Recca
Flame of Recca is a 90s shounen fighting series that combines martial arts and supernatural abilities. Despite having all the elements for success, the anime did not achieve the expected results.
The main character is student Hanabishi Recca, who loves ninjas and has always dreamed of becoming a ninja. Through many things, Recca discovered that he was a descendant of the Hokage ninja, a ninja tribe that was wiped out 400 years ago.
Why does Flame of Recca deserve a remake?
Unfortunately, Flame of Recca suffers from pacing issues and has a rushed ending that doesn’t cover the entire manga. An imperfect masterpiece, WIT Studio’s anime remake has the potential to become a timeless hit with tweaks.
1. Berserk
Kentaro Miura’s Berserk is a popular epic fantasy manga, but has struggled to find an anime adaptation that matches its artistic quality and storytelling. The story revolves around Guts, a mercenary who fights demons with a giant sword. The 90s adaptation of Berserk was effective but only superficially explored the original manga. The 2016 sequel further disappointed many fans due to its use of CG graphics.
The need for a proper adaptation of the Berserk manga
Berserk is still waiting for an anime adaptation that matches its original manga. WIT Studio is famous for making graphic action sequences, which could be ideal for this task. The new Berserk anime manages to capture the magic of the manga, allowing audiences to fully appreciate the complexity and depth of Miura’s work.